Saturday 23 June 2012

Rasa theory


Rasa is a cumulative result of vibhava (that is stimulus) Anubhava (involuntary run ) & vybhikari bhava (voluntary run}

Origin , colour , and deities of Rasas. 

The basic rasas are 4 –erotic (shringara), beroic (vetra), terror (raudra) and disgust (bibatsa). Further, Hasiya (horror,laughter) is derived from raudra,adbhuta(wonder,magical) from vira,and bhayanaka(dreat)from bibasta. 

1) Shringara

Its based on love (Rathi) It results in the caseof men women of healthy youth. It is of two kinds _a)Sambhoga(fulfillment b)viprabambha A)the shringara rasa must the enpressed by doing looks, lifting or raising eyebrow, side glances, graceful steps and gestures. Which are fall Anubhavas (disvaluntary runs.) 

B) The Vipralaambha shringara are dejection, fatigue,susticious, jelousy, patience, sleepiness, drcaminess etc., 

2. Hasya: This is stimulated by disfiguscement of dress., impudence etc.,Its empressed by expansion of lips, nose, cheeks, wide staring, vetrtration kof eyes etc., are Anubhavas. The vyabhikakri bhavas are dissimjulation,, laziness, sleepiness etc., Hasyam is of 2 types-
a) when one laughs oneself.
b) when one makes others laugh.

6 types of laughing are 

a)Smitha(gentle laugh)
b)Hasitha (laughter)
c)vihasitha (boud styile)
d)upaliasifha(satirical laughter)
e)Apahasita(silly laugh)
f)athi hasitha(loud laughter)

3. Roudra: The rasa is momented with evil spirits & iippl of viokort natures &.it cames fights. The stimulates for this rasa is anger boldness abuses, imullts and lies etc. 

The Vyabhikari Bhavas are- cold Bloodedness, Excitement, Intolerence, Sweating etc. 

4. Karuna: Karuna or pathos is the sathayi bhava of is stimulated by curse, pain, calamity, seperation from near 7 dear ones etc.The anubhavas are shedding tears,pallor,drooping limbs etc.The Vyabhicari bhavas are disgust ,exhaustion,fear,confusion etc. 

5. Veeram: It is produced by an energetic, determined, unrelenting nature which is neither taken by surprise nor by confusion. It comprises of challenging words and deeds showing courage, boldness, bravery, and self-confidence.

6. Adbhutha: It is stimulated by the sight of a divine person, byachieving the desired, by going to interesting places, temples etc.
The anubhavas are distended eyes, unthinking and steady glances, thrill, joy, words of appreciation, twisting the body, etc. 

The Vyabhikari Bhavas are- being stunned, shedding tears, Stammering, excitement, joy, restlessness etc. 

7. Bhibatsa: It is stimulated by seeing or hearing undesirable, ugly, and evil things. It is acted by withdrawing the body, leering, spitting, and agitation. The Vyabhikari Bhavas are - Loss of memory, agitation, exitement, confusion, sickness,death, etc.

8. Bhayanaka: It is stimulated by seeing or hearing words, sounds, and objects, or by fear of Jackals and owls, or by going into empty houses or lonely forests, or by seeing or listening to the stories of people he/she knows, being killed or imprisoned, etc. 
It comprises of trembling legs and hands, eyes flitting to and fro, hait standing on the end, face losing colour, and the loss of voice.

It's Vyabhikari Bhavas are, Being stupified, sweating, stammering, confusion, fear, loss of memory, death etc.

9. Shantham: Shanta is serenity and peace. It represents the state of calm and unruffled repose that is marked simply by the lack of all other rasas. Because all emotions are absent in Shanta there is controversy whether it is a rasa at all. According to Bharata, the author of NatyaShastra, the other eight rasas are as proposed originally by Brahma, and the ninth, Shanta, is his contribution. Shanta is what the Buddha felt when he was enlightened, when he reached the higher spiritual plane that led him to salvation or nirvana and freed him from the cycle of life and death. Shanta represents complete harmony between the mind, body and the universe. Sages in
India meditate for entire lifetimes to attain this state. In music it is often represented through a steady and slow tempo. Shanta is a clear and cloudless state. Shanta is untroubled steadiness. Shanta is the key to eternity.

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